
Tarot Reading

What is tarot reading?

Tarot readings are a powerful tool for gaining insight into various aspects of your life. Each type of tarot reading focuses on specific questions or concerns, providing you with guidance, clarity, and a fresh perspective. Whether you’re seeking answers about your love life, career, or personal growth, there’s a tarot reading that can help you navigate your journey.

What is tarot reading?

Tarot readings are a powerful tool for gaining insight into various aspects of your life. Each type of tarot reading focuses on specific questions or concerns, providing you with guidance, clarity, and a fresh perspective. Whether you’re seeking answers about your love life, career, or personal growth, there’s a tarot reading that can help you navigate your journey.

Types of Tarot Readings

General Tarot Reading

A general tarot reading is a versatile option that offers insights into various aspects of your life. It provides a holistic view of your current circumstances and the energies surrounding you. Valuable for gaining clarity when you have no specific question in mind.

Love and Relationship Tarot Reading

This reading is focused on matters of the heart, helping you understand your love life and relationships. It can provide guidance on finding love, improving existing relationships, or dealing with relationship challenges.

Career and Finance Tarot Reading

If you have questions about your career, finances, or professional growth, this reading is ideal. It can help you make informed decisions about your career path, job changes, or financial investments.

Spiritual Guidance Tarot Reading

For those seeking spiritual insight and guidance, this reading taps into your spiritual journey. It can offer clarity on your life's purpose, spiritual development, and personal growth.

Life Path Tarot Reading

A life path reading delves into your life's purpose and the lessons you are meant to learn. It helps you understand your unique path and how to align your choices with your true self.

Tarot for Self-Reflection

Sometimes, you may simply want to explore your inner thoughts and emotions. This reading can aid in self-discovery and personal growth, helping you better understand yourself.

The Value of Tarot Readings

Insight and Clarity

Tarot readings provide insights that may not be immediately apparent, helping you gain clarity and make informed decisions.

Guidance and Direction

They offer guidance for navigating life's challenges, making important choices, and finding your path.


Tarot readings empower you to take control of your life and destiny by highlighting areas for growth and improvement.


Tarot readings can validate your feelings and experiences, reassuring you that you're on the right track or suggesting necessary changes.

Personal Growth

They promote self-reflection and personal growth, encouraging you to explore your thoughts and emotions more deeply.

Emotional Healing

Tarot readings can aid in emotional healing by addressing past traumas or unresolved emotions.


Many find a sense of connection with the universe or a higher power through tarot readings, fostering a greater sense of spirituality.

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Our Team

Biswajit Jha

Astrologer, Psychic & Healer

Wali Crawford

Psychic & Healer

Aarti Jha

Psychic & Healer


🤔Have a Question❓

You may contact us before or after booking your session. Sessions can be conducted according to the available booking slots. Preferred call support for quick resolution expects to work 24 -48 working hours for mail replies.